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Chronological Bible Studies

Scripture Studies

Topical Bible Studies


Sample Prayers Connected to Bible Studies

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Dear Father, you are a most gracious and awesome God. Although we didn’t deserve it, you called us to be saved and to serve you and others. May your kingdom come, and your will be done, both in heaven and on earth. Thank you for blessing us with family, friends, and acquaintances, so we won’t be lonely and can share our lives together. As our daily bread, give us the courage to set the example, confess our failures, and witness your saving grace. Please forgive any sins and help us forgive others. Lead us away from the temptation to show revenge. May we do all things for your kingdom and glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Day 5

Father in heaven, you are holy and righteous in all your ways, even if we don’t understand what you are doing or why you are allowing bad things to happen. Let our dependence on you draw others into your kingdom. May your perfect will be done. Even if we can’t see what you are doing, may we trust in your wisdom and providence.

Please meet our physical, spiritual, and emotional needs so we can praise your great name. Help us to have compassion on those who are suffering and not judge them.

Forgive us for cursing when we suffer and for not trusting fully in you. Forgive us if we take our frustrations out on others as Job’s wife did. Help us forgive as we have been forgiven and not be tempted to blame you or shake our fist at you when we suffer. Please strengthen, guide, and comfort us. May we live for your kingdom and glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Day 6

Dear Father in heaven, you are just and righteous, even though we don’t understand all your ways. Instead of assuming we have all the answers to why a person is suffering, may we have compassion like you. May others see this and be drawn to you. Please provide for our needs and especially an understanding heart towards others in pain. Forgive us for any harsh words or judgments we might make, and help us forgive others who might be mean and unfeeling to us. May all we do and say be pleasing in your sight and for your glory and praise. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Day 7

Dear Father, when the world threatens to undo us, you are our rock, and we love you. May your kingdom come, and we pray our testimony of trust in you during the bad times will encourage others. Forgive our sins of caring more about ourselves and our pride than aligning ourselves with someone who is struggling to make it. Please give us wisom on how to encourage someone that person. Praise the LORD for helping us endure. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Day 8

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for your great wisdom and insight. We might not think ahead or say the right things to those who suffer. This is not a good testimony for your kingdom. Please forgive and help us assume the best, not the worst, from a person who might be acting out their frustrations. Give us understanding hearts for our daily bread. Help us not to get angry with the person who is suffering. Help us to forgive them as you have forgiven us. Lead me away from the temptation to assume things and accuse the sufferer, making him feel worse not better. Give us an understanding heart. For your sake and glory, may we live pleasing to you, my Lord and God. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Day 9

Dear Father in heaven, you are righteous and holy, although we don’t understand why you allow the righteous to suffer. May how we respond to our unfortunate circumstances testify of our relationship with you because you are compassionate and faithful. We know it’s your will for us to endure suffering and to encourage others who are going through it.

Please be our daily bread: meet our needs, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Forgive us if we have railed against you in our pain or discouraged others instead of encouraging them. If we have been hurt by unkind, inconsiderate, or mean comments, help us to forgive them. May we not be tempted to seek revenge but leave it in your hands to bring justice. For your sake and glory, in the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Day 10