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Sample Prayers Connected to Bible Studies

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Day 180

Day 181. Dear heavenly Father, you are holy and good. You are with those who are with you. You made it possible through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ. Your Spirit gives us new life and restoration. Praise your holy name. May this testimony lead others into your kingdom, and may our changed hearts do your will on earth as it is in heaven.

We rely on you alone to give us life and direction. Please provide our daily needs as a testimony of your faithfulness. Forgive us of our sins on relying on others for deliverance, and may we forgive others who also offend us.

Lead us from the temptation to look to others for our salvation from our troubles but instead repent and look to you for help. In the name of your Son, Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Day 182

Day 183

Dear Father, you are the Holy God. Because of this, You must judge when we won’t listen, won’t be thankful, won’t repent, and won’t obey. I pray for your Spirit’s work in our lives to bring us to genuine repentance, change us, and make us more like Christ. I pray we would be thankful for your grace, for your leading us to be saved, that we would live our lives in thankful reverence for you before you have to judge us.

Day 184

Dear Father in Heaven, great and mighty is your holy name. You are sovereign over all. May your kingdom come soon, and in the meantime, I pray we will warn others and encourage them to come into your kingdom by faith in your Son. Give us courage to witness, and be the bread of life we need to keep going in a culture of evil. Forgive us for our sins, and especially if we have been comfortable and careless of our spiritual lives or to care about the welfare of others. Help us to forgive others as we have been forgiven. Lead us away from the temptation to be calloused to other's needs, and may we live for your glory. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Day 185

Our Father in Heaven, you are holy and righteous, but we are not. Thank you for your grace on our nation. Thank you that our forefathers feared you and built this nation upon foundation of your laws and person. But now we are becoming extremely evil. Nevertheless, I pray your Spirit will save many and bring us into your kingdom. Even so, come Lord Jesus. May your sovereign will and grace rule over our stubborn hearts.

Thank you that Rowe versus Wade got overturned. Please overturn our hearts as well and give us a love of children over convenience or lust.

Please provide our needs. We ask for your mercy as many are suffering from the effects of high inflation.

Forgive our sins, for they are grievous and horrible. Convict and convince us of them through the power of your Word and Spirit. I pray preachers will fearlessly preach the Word and be an example of what Christianity really is.

Thank you that there are thousands upon thousands in America that are still loyal to you and committed to serve and to stand. I pray you will help us to be strong, committed and compassionate Christians who love our LORD God and strive to be obedient.

Bring us nationwide repentance and restoration. Lead us away from the temptations of arrogance, pride, greed, immorality, and deceit. Change our hearts and help us return to your Word for moral and spiritual instruction. Convict us to serve with charity and integrity and to love each other.

Help us to remember that liberty is a gift that many don't have. Help us to remember that you gave it and can take it away. Please help our nation and its people Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Day 186

Day 187

Day 188

Dear Father in heaven, you are holy, righteous, and true but we walk away from you getting ourselves into trouble. I pray we will live with kingdom values so we can attract others to the kingdom and not repel them. Help us submit to your carving hand so we might be holy. Provide our daily needs. I pray we would also forgive others who have infected our lives by their lifestyle. I pray you would keep us from the hours of temptation where we are likely to fall. May our lives be submissive to your will. In Jesus name and for his glory. Amen

Day 189

Dear Father in heaven, you are just, but merciful and forgiving if we truly repent. Praise your holy name. May you accomplish all that you set out to do, and may we cooperate and not resist your will. Forgive us for our sins, and help us to also show grace to those who are repentant. Please provide for the daily needs we put before you this day. Please lead us away from the temptations to follow the evil ways of the world instead of you. Lead us rom the temptation to be lazy about the exercise of our faith. Keep the devil at bay. In Jesus name I pray for your glory to be shown in our lives.


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