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Sample Prayers, Days 210-219

Day 210

Day 211

Our LORD God and wonderful savior, we worship you for your justice and compassion and pray we can be like you. Then others will be drawn into your kingdom and your desires will be done.

Give us a true heart of humility, and help us be more than just Sunday Christians May we care about other people and impact their spiritual lives by sharing the gospel which saves. May this be our daily habit.

Forgive us for pretending to be righteous and help us to forgive others who are also phonies.

Please lead us away from the temptation to give up and quit but to live for your glory and praise. Amen

Day 212

Dear Father in heaven, you are the potter. You are in control of our lives for your glory and praise, and you deserve it all. Thank you for your molding hands. May I yield to it to become a beautiful vessel for your use and a testimony of your saving grace so others may want to come into your kingdom and be changed.

May your will be done in my life, not mine. Forgive me Lord, for I am selfish and resist your molding hands. Thank you for choosing this lump of clay to work with. You shape me; I can't shape myself. Help me to forgive others who try to mold me.

Please provide for our needs today, especially to be submissive to your will and working. Lead us away from the temptation to be molded by my culture with evil intents or according to their own desires. May your vessel be to you good use for your glory. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

Day 213

Day 214

Father in heaven, You are holy and good with no evil in your nature. Praise be to your name. When we see our nation is full of evil, we pray, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We desire a revival in our country, but it you choose to punish us instead, I pray for mercy even as you accomplish what you must.

Give us our daily bread by meeting our physical and emotional needs in times of affiction and help us be courageous to stand with you.

Forgive our sins for they are many, and help us to forgive those who sin against us. Lead us away from harboring resentment. Even as you exercise your judgment, we look to you for mercy and grace and give thanks. We realize that you can even the scores of trials against us. In Jesus ' name, Amen.

Day 215

Dear LORD, you are holy and righteous in every way and we want to please you and not compromise with our ungodly culture. May your kingdom come and may we do your will in sharing the light of the gospel in dark places. Give us courage and a desire to be holy as our daily bread and provide for our needs to show others you are God.

Forgive us for the times we have compromised, and help us to forgive others who betray us or who work against us.

Lead us away from evil paths and help us to stand with you so we might be used to bless others. For your glory and praise, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Day 216

Dear Father in heaven, praise be to your name! Thank you for your love in warning us of coming disaster if we don't repent. I pray we would heed your warnings and tell others about it, so they might fear it and come into your kingdom for safety.

Lord, judgment is an uncomfortable anti-culture message. For our daily bread, first, please give us courage to share the message and be concerned with those who are lost and heading for everlasting destruction. Please keep your kingdom agenda in our hearts, not living in denial of your coming judgments. Second, supply our needs so we can testify how you provide. Thank you for the daily needs you supply. Give me strength, health, and confidence in you today.

Forgive my callous attitudes and for seeking positions, wealth, or pleasure, not caring about my neighbors. Help me to forgive any insults or other pains inflicted on me because I follow Christ.

Lead me away from materialism and seeking selfish pleasure to seek eternal things and to obey you. Please bring revival to our land and begin it in me.

Day 217

Dear Father in heaven, thank you that you are a God of justice, righteousness, and holiness.Praise your wonderful name. Remind us to act with compassion as we lead others and not sit idly by when others need our help and support. Remind us to do that so more people will be drawn to your kingdom. Please help us to love people and be good neighbors as our daily bread. Forgive us for the times we haven't done that, and help us to forgive others who dissappoint us. Lead us away from the temptation to be aloof or to take advantage of others. For your kingdom and glory and praise, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Day 218


Day 219


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