wallet with money Day 293, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Luke 12:22–13:17; Luke 13:22–14:24


What do we treasure? We can tell by watching our spending habits. We have wallets or purses in which we keep (amongst other things) money and credit cards, and we use them to purchase items or services. Most of us do not keep track of all we spend or how we spend it. The wallet or purse seems to have holes in it, and we have to keep filling it with more money for more purchases.

How lasting are the purchases? Most of the time, they are quickly consumed and forgotten. Instead of seeking things of this world, however, God wants us to treasure things of the next world.

A purse or wallet full of money will eventually expend itself, but a purse of eternal pursuits does not wear thin; its contents last for an eternity.

Our Treasures

What do we spend money on or time doing? These are the things we treasure. Do we treasure our looks? Sports? Sex? Our abilities? Careers? Respect? Popularity? Wealth? Maybe we desire something more basic such as food and clothing. Jesus redirects us to a different set of values. In preparing the disciples for his death and their future persecutions, Jesus says,

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes...

Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.

But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Luke 12:22-34, NIV).

What keeps people from treasures in heaven?

If heaven is our greatest treasure, and Jesus is the way, why don’t more come to Jesus for eternal life? Here are some possible reasons.


As long as our material needs and desires are met, we’re not sure we need Jesus. Pride keeps us from coming to him for forgiveness or help. And yet, we have a deep-seated need for him.

Invincible spirit

Another reason that keeps people from their heavenly treasure is immaturity. While we are young, we might believe we can’t die. Nothing can hurt us. We have plenty of time for spiritual stuff later.

We don’t see trouble on the horizon

Because we don’t see danger, we take no steps to avoid it. We can discern from the skies and weather patterns what the next few days will be like. If we see heavy rains, tornadoes, or other violent weather headed our way, most of us prepare for it. So if we can discern the physical weather and prepare for it, Jesus says, why don’t we prepare for other things in our lives that are spiritual in nature?

What should we prepare for?

It is not a pleasant thought, but the Bible, God’s Word, says we must all be judged after we die (Hebrews 9:27-28). God will condemn unbelievers for their sins and then send them to hell forever (Revelation 20:11-15).

If some of us are still unbelievers, the time to turn to Christ for forgiveness is now, while he extends the invitation. He can forgive us, give us spiritual life, peace, and the assurance of eternal life in heaven. God provides the only place of safety through his Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

God will test each believer’s works with fire to evaluate whether they are good or bad, meaning useful or useless (2Corinthians 5:10). He will burn the useless things and reward us for what is left, the good things that we do because we are God’s children.

Let’s not think we are invincible or live in denial. Let’s make a choice for heaven. Heaven is a richer value than any treasure on this earth.

God treasures who we are

It is not so much what we do in this life, which makes us important in God’s eyes; it is who we are. Have we become God’s children? Do we walk in humility or self-righteousness? Do we understand what is right and do it? The Lord wants us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8, NIV). Ultimately, this is only possible when we are born again with spiritual life. Only then do we have the Holy Spirit to help us be and do what God requires.

God will test each believer’s works with fire to evaluate whether they are good or bad, meaning useful or useless (2Corinthians 5:10). He will burn the useless things and reward us for the good things that are left, good things that we do because we are God’s children.


Some don’t come to Jesus because they think it is an inconvenient time for them. Imagine mom or dad calling us to the table to eat. “In a minute,” we say, but we never come. It’s inconvenient. Never mind the kindness of being invited or the trouble someone took to make the meal; the meal came at a not convenient time. The meal is then consumed by others or put away.

God first called his people (the Jews or Israelites) to the table to eat in the kingdom of God (heaven). Most refused Jesus as their Messiah, their Savior from sin. Now, in his grace, God calls us non-Jews (Gentiles) to the table.

Will we come, or is it too much effort? Are our career goals more important? Do we have too many places to go and things to do? Do we say we will come later when we are old and gray?

When we come to God’s table, we receive food for eternal life, which he prepared for us through the death of his Son Jesus Christ. Let’s put away what we are doing and come to the banquet table. The food of eternal life is more important than anything else we might consume. Let’s not miss the meal. Let’s not offend God. He may not extend the invitation a second time. Now is the time to come to God’s table and receive eternal life for our souls.


A purse or wallet full of money will eventually expend itself, but a purse of eternal pursuits does not wear thin; its contents last for an eternity. Is this true? Why?

If heaven is our greatest treasure, and Jesus is the way, why don’t more come to Jesus for eternal life? What can we say to them to get them to consider it?

Focus Verse

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (NIV)

Watch this video related to today's lesson here

praying hands Please join me in prayer regarding today's lesson:

Heavenly Father, you are the great I am, the one who is always with us, our magnificent and generous God. May your kingdom come, the greatest treasure we will ever share. Father, I know it is not your will for us to lay up treasures on this earth but to lay up treasures in heaven. May we share that message with others so they, too, can have eternal life. Lord, please provide our daily needs because they can become an abstraction to seeking spiritual riches. Please forgive our seeking of material gain for selfish reasons and making idols of our treasures. Please, Lord, lead us away from temptations to horde money and possessions. Instead, I pray we would seek to bless others who are in need. Help me also forgive others who might have used me to enrich themselves. I pray we will live for your glory and praise. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Please send your comments to me, Rod

Looking Ahead: What does Jesus teach about our Stewardship of Time and Resources? Find out in our Next Lesson.

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Edited 10-23-21