neighboring houses Day 22, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today's Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Genesis 25:1-6; 1 Chronicles 1:32-34; Genesis 25:19-26; Genesis 25:7-11; Genesis 26:1-35

5 Ways to Peace with our Neighbors

If you wish, you can listen to this Bible study in audio format

Loud noise, not respecting property rights, and even pranks make it difficult to love our neighbors. They may be inconsiderate, mean, or selfish. We might even experience problems with them just because we are Christians or because they’re jealous of our success or family. How do we live peaceably with our neighbors?

In today’s Bible reading, Abraham is an old man. After the death of his wife, Sarah, he gets remarried and has six more children. God is blessing Abraham as he promised (Genesis 15:4-6; 17:1-7).

This faithful man lives peacefully in Canaan. However, his small family is increasing and becoming a large tribe of people. They are becoming so enormous, their neighbors fear Abraham will force them out of their region.

Sometimes, perceived threats can make those next to us nervous. For instance, suppose a rich religious group moves into the neighborhood and starts buying many houses. Would we fear they might take over the area and force their beliefs upon us? It’s only natural to protect what is ours. That protection can bring us into contention with those next to us. This happens between Isaac (Abraham’s chosen son) and the people in Gerar. This city, southwest in the land of Canaan, near the Mediterranean Sea, fears Abraham’s family will take over their land. How can Abraham’s family live peacefully with their neighbors? How can we?

First, Trust in the Lord

It’s because of God’s grace and his promise to Abraham that God favors Isaac. He doesn’t need to fear his neighbors because God is with him, protecting him. We don’t need to fear either. Like Isaac, we need to be genuine Christians and trust God to take care of us. If God increases our family, wealth, influence, or popularity, we should be humble and thankful. We can faithfully serve the Lord and others in our community using what God supplies.

Second, Be Truthful and Transparent

When we’re open and honest but kind, it’s helpful in establishing good relationships with those next to us. Isaac, however, is deceptive—he doesn’t fully trust God.

As in Abraham’s time, there is another famine in the land of Canaan. Because of it, Isaac seeks more fertile soil; however, the LORD tells him not to go down to Egypt. So, like his father, he sets up his tents in Gerar (the land of the Philistines). There, Isaac copies Abraham’s shrewd behavior. He deceives them because he fears his neighbors might kill him and take his pretty wife and possessions. He tells them his wife Rebekah is his sister. Isaac’s lie gets him into trouble. Lying is the wrong way to begin relationships—it makes people angry, and they don’t trust you. Despite that, God is gracious—King Abimelech protects him and his wife from harm.

3. Dealing with Contention

How do we handle a difficult neighbor? How would we respond if he contested our property’s borders or cut down a beautiful tree we planted because he claimed its branches overhung his property? Or, what would we do if someone next to us parked in front of our house, in our parking space, even if the area was owned by the city? Would we have fights with him? Would we take him to court?

Look at what happened to Isaac.

Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him. So all the wells that his father's servants had dug in the time of his father Abraham, the Philistines stopped up, filling them with earth (Genesis 26:12-15, NIV).

Three times Isaac tries to reopen the wells, but the Philistines oppose him. They’re afraid of him because his family is growing so large. They acknowledge that Isaac’s God is significantly increasing their numbers and wealth. Now, they want distance between their nation and this large nation cropping up in their backyard; they don’t want to face them in a battle someday.

What does Isaac do? He doesn’t fight them. Instead, he moves on until he digs a well, which they don’t contest, although this is far south of his original dwelling.

Fourth, Be Gracious

Are we to give in to injustice? Not necessarily, but why not lay the groundwork for good neighbor relations? Just because he’s contentious doesn’t mean we have to be. “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1, NIV). If issues fester and come to a head, could we give in and bring healing? Why not rather suffer hurt or injustice than harm our testimony for Christ? The Apostle Paul says in 2Timothy 2:24, “…the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful” (NIV).

Taking our cue from Isaac and his problems with Abimelech, if we can’t work out issues reasonably, it may be best to give up some space. Sometimes, it’s better to move than to keep arguing and fighting with someone next door. Before we make that decision, however, we should try unconditionally loving our neighbor. Let’s pray about this—God cares for him and us.

Fifth, Seek Peace

The LORD wants Isaac to settle in Gerar for a time during the famine (eventually, this’ll be part of Israel’s inheritance). While there, Isaac can be an excellent testimony to his neighbor. We can ask the LORD for a loving heart toward our neighbors and seek how we may help or encourage them. Let’s seek peaceful resolutions. Perhaps the LORD will give us a place of peace without moving.


What are some ways we can seek to live peaceably with our neighbors?

Should we ever give-in to our neighbors? Why?

Focus Verse

2 Timothy 2:24 (NIV) “…the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”

You can watch a video of today's lesson here. Start at 39:01 and end at 41:16

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Looking Ahead: Even though Isaac succeeds in obtaining peace with his neighbors, he experiences turmoil in his home because of favoritism and over-zealous ambitions. What are the dangers of favoritism and over-zealous ambition? Find out in our next lesson.

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