Statue of Liberty shines light of hope Day 365, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today's Bible reading(use your browser arrow to return): Revelation 19–22

A New Year Celebration in the End Times

The New Year is just about upon us. Perhaps we have been invited to a New Year’s Eve celebration. We wait in anticipation for the stroke of midnight and wonder what things will be like in the next year.

There is another kind of New Year celebration talked about in the Bible, but we do not need to wonder what is coming if we just read the last chapters of the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is coming again!

The book of The Revelation was written to encourage early churches suffering for their Christian testimonies. John's message is to be patient and faithful in their trials for Jesus is coming again!

Today, we still await his sudden appearance. While we wait, many of us suffer persecution or other trials. Their encouragement is also ours—Jesus is coming again! Before he comes, however, the way must be prepared—evil must be swept away and the earth and heavens renewed.

We are at the end of our study of The Revelation. After the seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments, the wrath of God is complete, evil is swept away, and Satan’s throne, the city of Babylon, is destroyed. Souls of countless multitudes of martyred believers rejoice in heaven over God’s justice and retribution against this evil nation. What’s next?

The Wedding Supper

Jesus is the bridegroom and the church is his bride. What a glorious day for a wedding! Jesus dresses all true church-age believers in white linen, bright and clean. Then the angel speaks to the Apostle John proclaiming, “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (Revelation 19:9, NIV).

Are we genuine believers in Christ? If so, then we each have been given a gracious invitation. If not, then we need to believe in Christ for our salvation so we can join the rest (more...).

Jesus conquers Satan and his armies

Although the marriage supper of the Lamb is a celebration, the war between Satan and God is not quite finished. In the next scene, we see our bridegroom, Jesus Christ, coming to earth as a conquering hero. He has the appearance of a king wearing many crowns upon his head and a robe dipped in blood. He rides a white horse, and on his thigh is written, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” (Revelation 19:16, NIV). He has a sword in his mouth (a picture of judgment) with which to strike the nations.

Jesus comes with his army of believers and conquers the world leaders. He destroys and feeds all unbelievers (whether they are kings or peasants) to the birds of the air, inviting them to his wrathful supper.

Then the Lord takes the beast and the false prophet and throws them into the eternal lake of fire. Afterward, he binds Satan for one thousand years. Which supper would we rather attend, the wedding supper or the supper of God's wrath? Let's choose the former, not the latter.

Christ's Millennial Reign

After Jesus Christ conquers Satan and destroys all the wicked of the earth, the Messiah (Jesus) fulfills the Old Testament prophecies about his rule and reign. He begins his reign from Jerusalem, and his rule extends over all the earth for one thousand years. The Lord rules over believers who survive the Great Tribulation Period. He reigns with righteousness and justice, and the world lives in peace (Isaiah 11:1-9).

Satan's Last Battle

After one thousand years are over, Satan is loosed for one final battle against God and his righteous ones—believers in Christ (cf. Ezekiel 38-39 with Revelation 20:8-9).

We may question, if Jesus destroys all the wicked on earth, how could Satan raise an army against God? The answer is logical. During the one thousand year reign of Christ, children are born to those righteous ones who survive the Great Tribulation. The world is quickly re-populated.

Many children today, raised by good Christian families, rebel against Christ and Christianity. So it will be in that day. Children and adults will be forced to obey the laws and come to worship in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16-21). Many won't like it—they won't like playing the part of a Christian.

In that day, Satan deceives unbelievers all over the world and gathers his army of rebels for one final battle against Jerusalem. However, fire from heaven suddenly devours them, and the devil is finally defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the place where the beast and false prophet are. There they suffer eternally.

The Great White Throne

Next, all unbelievers from every age in history are judged somewhere in outer space at the God's Great White Throne. Afterward, they also are thrown into the Lake of Fire to suffer forever. The battle against Satan and all evildoers is over, and Christ and all true believers win.

New Heavens, Earth, Relationship, and Temple

In preparation for the New Year of eternal celebration, a new heavens and earth are created. There is some debate as to whether this means that the old heavens and earth will be completely obliterated and newly created, or regenerated after being completely cleansed by fire (2Peter 3:10; Revelation 21:1).

After the new heavens and earth are created, the Holy City, New Jerusalem comes down from heaven, and with it God himself. The Lord of the universe makes his dwelling with people on the earth. There is no more tears or sorrow, only joy.

The city is very large and beautiful, shining with precious stones and the glory of the Almighty. It has streets of translucent gold. The dimensions of the city are 1,400 miles to each corner of the walls, and each wall is 1,400 miles high. Some think the city is cubic in shape while others believe it is a pyramid.

The New Jerusalem will not have a temple in it “because the LORD Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Revelation 21:22, NIV). “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life” (Revelation 21:27, NIV). It is only followers of Jesus Christ who are written in this book. Are we written there?

Life Forever

Flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb is a river of life with the tree of life on each side of it. The curse of death for sin is gone. There is no threatening darkness—only light from God himself. He makes his throne in the New Jerusalem, and we Christians serve and reign with him forever. This is good news!

An Invitation to Keep

Here is more good news: We are all invited to this New Year’s celebration! “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life” (Revelation 22:17, NIV). If any of us have not received salvation, we are invited to come to Jesus. He offers us eternal life and forgiveness for any and all wrongs. He can give us spiritual life so we can celebrate forever after the New Year’s festivities are over. Let's come to Jesus (more...).


What are we celebrating in today's Bible reading?

Who is invited to the wedding supper?

What things are new in heaven at the end of the age?

Focus Verse

Revelation 22:17 (NIV) “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”

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Looking Ahead: Our Next Lesson begins the New Year with Answers to Some of Life's Most Challenging Questions. Join us in our One-Year Daily Chronological Bible Study to find out what the Bible means and how it applies to you.

If you have already done this, why not take the journey again? Every year we make improvements, provide additional helpful links, some new pictures, insights and applications. In 2022 I'm adding daily podcasts for those of you who like to listen on the go. You will be blessed!

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re-edited 12-29-2020

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