New leadership Day 83, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Deuteronomy 32:48–Joshua 2:24

Transferring Leadership

New Leaders usually bring hope. Leadership changes, however, can be difficult and even ugly; it often depends on how the current administration handles it. Each leader has his strengths and weaknesses, personality, and approach to leading. There are wise and gracious ways to transfer our leadership, and we'll use Moses as an example.

Choosing the Next Leader

In today's Bible reading, Moses knows his time on earth is ending, so he asks God for another leader to shepherd the people of Israel. The next leader should be someone whom God chooses, not necessarily the most popular or most qualified. God chooses Joshua, and Moses recommends him to the Israelites. If people respect our leadership, they may respect our choice of the next leader.

Preparation for Leadership

Joshua is prepared for leadership; he's been serving as Moses' close aide for a long time (Numbers 11:28). When Moses left the tent of meeting in the desert of Sinai, Joshua remained (Exodus 33:11). Perhaps, God communicated with Joshua after Moses left the tabernacle. Moses chose Joshua to lead Israel's armies into battle, and he was successful (Exodus 17:9-14). Who better to lead Israel than one who stays close to God and has proven military success?

When the twelve spies went into Canaan to search out the land and people, only Caleb and Joshua expressed faith that the LORD Almighty would give them military victory (Numbers 14:6-9; 32:8-12).

Good spiritual leaders have faith in God.

Now Moses publicly recognizes Joshua as the new leader, encourages him, and puts some of his authority upon him. Moses urges Joshua to follow the LORD completely and lead with courage.

To transfer leadership gracefully and successfully, it's good to give guidance, encouragement, and some authority to prospective leaders. Apprenticeships help us prepare leaders.

Leaving Gracefully

Moses leaves gracefully. He blesses the tribes of Israel he led for over forty years. Although they gave him a lot of grief, he's gracious in his blessing. He cares about them and loves them even more than himself.

We don't know all the meanings of the blessings given to them, and for us, they may seem irrelevant, but we can learn a general principle from Moses' blessing: business executives, church leaders, and other organizational leaders should be gracious in their departure. We should forgive past hurts. We should express confidence in the new leadership, give the people a good name (reputation) to live up to, and bless them. We should recognize how God is using or can use them if they submit to his will. Departing leaders should leave gracefully.

Moses' Epitaph

From the top of Mount Nebo in Moab, God shows Moses all the land of Canaan which the Israelites are to possess, and then Moses dies and God buries him. After Moses departs this life, the people write a good epitaph (saying) as a tribute to him. This concludes the book of Deuteronomy:

Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face, who did all those miraculous signs and wonders the LORD sent him to do in Egypt—to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel (Deuteronomy 34:10-12, NIV).

Our Epitaph

What epitaph are we leaving as leaders of our families, churches, businesses, or other organizations? Are we men or women of God? Are we people of holiness, humility, and kindness? Do we rely on the LORD, and is he at work in our lives? Do we invest our lives in people? Do we intercede on their behalf? When we leave, we should leave a godly legacy for people to remember. They should praise the LORD for our leadership.

The book of Joshua records the conquest and the division of the Promised Land (Canaan) under the new leader, Joshua. God says to him, “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites,” (Joshua 1:2, NIV).

God encourages Joshua that as He was with Moses, so He will be with him (Joshua 1:5). What are the keys to success for Joshua? God instructs him to have faith and be courageous. He is to be careful to obey all the law (a probable reference to Deuteronomy), speak of it, and meditate on it day and night so he will do everything in it (Joshua 1:6-8). These keys for success will work for us, too, if we have a personal relationship with God and try to obey him in everything.

Encouraging our Leaders

Perhaps Joshua was a little timid or not a natural leader—four times, he is urged to have faith and act with courage (Joshua 1:6,7,9,18). The LORD chose Joshua, not because he is a natural leader, but because he is obedient in everything. When a person trusts God despite his weaknesses, he glorifies God (1 Corinthians 1:27-29).

Maybe, the prospect of leading millions of Israelites into a hostile land for war scares Joshua, but it probably keeps him humble and reliant on the LORD. Joshua has military experience, but he needs confidence. Like the Israelites, we need to give support to new leaders and encourage those who might be reticent or who face challenging tasks.

New Faith

Joshua is a sharp leader. Remembering the fiasco caused by the earlier report of the twelve spies, Joshua hand-picks just two spies to scout out the land for the first battle.

The scouts cross the Jordan River and stay in Jericho with a woman who has the reputation of being a prostitute. Rahab, however, fears the LORD—she shows her faith in God by what she says and does. Rahab welcomes the spies into her home, and then she hides them. She expresses faith in God's plan, purpose, and person.

Then, when instructed by the spies to leave a scarlet rope hanging from her window, she does so, trusting in God's salvation. The LORD's grace is all-inclusive; he will save anyone who comes to him in genuine faith.

The two spies come back to Joshua with a positive report. As Moses prophesied ( Deuteronomy 33:29), the people in Canaan are melting in fear because of God's miraculous deeds on Israel's behalf.

If we trust God, he can do great deeds and even miracles. Other people will see what God does in our lives and fear the LORD.

Endnote: The Law is a probable reference to Deuteronomy

Focus Verse

Joshua 1:7 (NIV) “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.”


What are the keys to success?

How do we transfer leadership with grace?

How can we give support and encouragement to new leaders?

What does the story of Rahab teach us about salvation?

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

Sample Prayer

Please send your comments to me, Rod, the author

Looking Ahead: Israel is again facing battle against the giants in the land of Canaan. This time they are not cowering in fear; they are going in. How do they prepare to win? How do we Prepare to Win?

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