exercise workout Day 3, January 3 Bible More

Insights on the Noah Flood

For great insights into many of the questions regarding Noah, the ark, and the flood, read the informative article “Was There Really a Noah's Ark & Flood?” by Ken Ham & Tim Lovett in the October 11, 2007 of Answers in Genesis.

Dispensations and Covenants

Dispensationalism is the teaching that there are different periods of history with their different governments established by God: Dispensations of Innocence (Adam and Eve), Conscience (post Eden), Government (Noah), Patriarchal (Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob), Law (Moses), Grace (after Christ's death, the church age), Millennial (after Christ returns to earth), and the Eternal State. Within these time periods there were covenants established by God, some conditional and some unconditional: Edenic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Davidic, and New covenants. Although covenant theologians seek to blend the church with Israel, it is clear from Romans 9-11 that the church is not New Testament Israel. The Scriptures are best interpreted literally, historically, and grammatically. God's plans for Israel and for the church will be literally fulfilled and respectively for each group.

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