fall leaves Day 270, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Nehemiah 13; Malachi

Be Faithful, Don't Fall!

Leaves are falling from trees in the northern hemisphere. They look pretty as they change colors but then fall and leave the trees barren.

Hopefully, our lives are green with spiritual health. It will be so if we continue to be faithful and don't fall. However, if any of our attitudes and deeds are turning, and our lives are in danger of falling away, we need help! Where can we find it?

The tree is replanted

Israel was like a tree replanted in her land. Babylon had conquered Judah and exiled the last of her people in 586 BC. Then, after Persia conquered Babylon, King Cyrus gave the captives permission to go home and rebuild their temple. Much later, the prophet Nehemiah, the king's cupbearor, asked permission of King Artaxerxes to return to Jerusalem to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. It was granted.

Although there were strong winds of opposition, still God protected this little tree. It grew and flourished; its leaves were green with health as the leaders and people sought the LORD, and he blessed them.

The tree becomes diseased

After the walls were complete, Nehemiah returned to King Artaxerxes to report to him and resume his duties as his cupbearer. While he was gone, disease set in the tree. The leaves quickly changed and began falling—the Jews descended from God’s favor. Why? What happened? Where was Ezra, the priest? Why didn’t he keep them in line?

Ezra was last mentioned before Nehemiah left (Nehemiah 12) but is absent when he comes back (Nehemiah 13). Perhaps he died or retired, leaving Eliashib, the priest, in charge. No one held the Israelites in check, and they were falling from God’s favor.

While Nehemiah is away, Eliashib, the priest, allows Tobiah, one of Israel’s trouble-making neighbors, to take up residence in the temple. He is a relative and contrives to set up an apartment in a large storeroom. From there, Tobiah discourages worship in the temple.

When Nehemiah returns, he kicks out the tenant, purifies the temple, and then puts things back where they belong.

Nehemiah also learns that God’s people were no longer bringing their tithes to support the Levites and singers ministering in the temple. Because of this, the Levites and singers left and went back to their own towns. Nehemiah rebukes the people, and the services and tithes are restored.

Furthermore, Nehemiah learns that Jerusalem is conducting commerce on the Sabbath day, in violation of God’s Law and their covenant. He takes swift action and sets up policies to prevent further compromises.

Last, Nehemiah learns that God’s people intermarried with those of the surrounding nations. Half of the children born while he was away don’t even speak the Jewish language. Nehemiah is angry. He rebukes them, calls down curses on them, beats some of the men, and pulls out their hair.

Why does Nehemiah act so violently? He does this because it was foreigners with their sexual sins and idol worship which led the Israelites away from the LORD. This caused them to lose their land in previous days. Now, the Jews were violating every part of the covenant they recently made with God.

Has God forgiven, restored, and blessed us, but we have become like a diseased tree? Have we let sin or harmful influences take residence in our lives? Have we stopped going to church and supporting its ministries?

Restoring the tree

To restore our fellowship with God, we must remove sin, separate ourselves from its influences, and put things back into their rightful state with the LORD’s help. We also need to restore our worship. We should be active in a good, Bible-believing church and support the work. Let’s be faithful!

Most of us are not Jewish. We have no command to remember a specific Sabbath day, a weekly day of rest (Romans 14:5-6a; Colossians 2:16-17). Still, it honors the LORD when we do (Mark 2:27; Matthew 12:11-12). He wants us to give our bodies and minds rest, so they don’t wear out quickly. Rejuvenation and fresh perspectives come from rest.


The prophet Malachi wrote to the Israelites about the same time that Nehemiah was concerned about the falling away of Israel—she was irreverent! Besides that, the people lost their zeal for God and had forgotten their commitments to him. The priests and people were lazy and apathetic about honoring the LORD.

Israel’s uncaring and deplorable attitude is demonstrated first by her offerings. The priests offer defiled animal sacrifices on the altar—sick, diseased, or deformed—to the LORD! Do we do that? Does God get our best or something less? Such degrading behavior is offensive to him. The LORD is a Great and Almighty King! Let’s give our best to God, not our leftovers or throwaways.

Second, God charges the priests with falsely instructing the people from the Word of God. They conveniently leave out the requirements which don’t suit them. The priests were entrusted with teaching God’s Word, but they failed to apply it. They didn’t set good examples for the people to follow and obey God’s Word. They weren’t men of integrity.

Third, the nation of Judah broke faith with the LORD. Under God’s law and Nehemiah’s leadership, marriage with non-Jews is forbidden. This restriction is given so the Israelites will not worship false gods instead of the one true LORD.

The people and priests have not only broken faith with the covenant they made with God but have also broken trust with one another. They no longer consider their marriages as sacred, so they obtain divorces. The LORD hates divorce and considers this an act of violence against the family (which it is). God tells them to guard their spirits (attitudes) and not break their marriage covenants.

Fourth, the people weary the LORD with their words and philosophies. God is good and holy, but the people accept evil behavior and deny God will judge. They are wrong. Someday, he will judge or discipline them and us (1Corinthians 3:13-15; 2Corinthians 5:10).

Fifth, they rob God of tithes and offerings. These were used to supply the Levites’ needs and the maintenance of the temple.

Do we short-change God? Do we realize that when we do not give, his work suffers? He will hold us accountable. God said to the Israelites that if they would take care of his sanctuary, he would abundantly supply their needs. By principle, we can apply the same promise to us, as we give to the church and other Christian organizations (Philippians 4:19).

Sixth, the Jews were saying harsh things about God, saying it is futile to serve him—there is no profit in it. Is that our attitude? It’s disrespectful of God, and it causes other people to fall away from the LORD. We need pastors, missionaries, educators, musicians, and other types of ministers. We should pray for them and help supply their needs.

There are some people among the Israelites, however, who do live in reverence for the LORD, as there are today. Maybe that’s you. You will be remembered for good. You will be included as his treasured possession because you fear the LORD and honor his name.

Is there hope for those who have disrespected and dishonored God? Those who continue wickedness will be judged, but Jesus came to give forgiveness, peace, and spiritual life (more...). He forgives sin and heals us so we can know him and revere his name.


What are some of the things that make a Christian fall away from God like leaves fall from a tree and leave it barren?

If our life has become diseased by sin, what can we do about it to be restored?

Focus Verse

1Samuel 2:30c (NIV) “Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.”

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Looking Ahead: After 400 years of war and silence from God, suddenly he provides Hope for his people. Their hope also becomes our hope if we trust in him for salvation. Join us for our next lesson.

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